NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
Programme Overview:
Participants on the NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture will gain expertise in behaviour management and learn how to create a school culture where staff and pupils can thrive.
On this programme, you will learn how to:
- Create a culture of high expectations across your school.
- Support the development of a positive, predictable and safe environment for pupils.
- Assist pupils with complex behavioural needs.
- Nuture improvement through evidence-based professional development.
- Put new approaches to leading behaviour and culture into practice in your school setting.
See the NPQLBC framework for further details.
How you will learn:
The content is delivered through blended learning comprising in-person, real-time, interactive online sessions and self-guided modules you complete in your own time. Over the 12-month course duration, you will attend / complete:
- 1 x 6hr conference - at the start of the programme (in-person).
- 6 x courses - each course is 6 weeks in length and comprises 6 modules. You will complete 1 module (50mins) per week.
- 5 x 2hr facilitated twilight clinics (online).
- 3 x 1hr 15mins communities - peer-led group sessions (online or in-person).
- 1 x 2hr assessment clinic (in-person).
- Final assessment - written response to a case study to be completed within an 8-day window.
To apply, you must be a teacher who has, or is aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in your school. Participants do not have to be in a teaching role to complete this NPQ.
Example roles: Pastoral Lead | Head of Behaviour | Assistant/Deputy Head | Headteacher | SENDCO | Head of Year | Safeguarding Lead | Head of House | Class teacher
You can become an expert in leading behaviour and culture as well as drive meaningful change in your school by creating a positive school culture.
Your school will benefit from improved pupil outcomes, a positive school culture, and retaining your teaching talent.
A limited number of funded places to cover the full NPQ cost will be available to some eligible teachers and leaders. Please see Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK link for details.
If you are unsuccessful in securing a funded place, you or your school can pay the course fee £899 + VAT.
Applications are now open for Spring 2025 cohorts. Start your application here >>
- Please select 'Calderdale & Kirklees Teaching School Hub' as your cohort delivery partner.
- Please ensure you have read all relevant NPQ programme information - see the Specialist NPQ & Leadership NPQ sections opposite.
- Apply by Tuesday 18 March to start in April 2025.
Useful Links:
Click the image opposite to download a copy of our programme guide.
Or Contact us for more information or guidance about this NPQ programme.