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NPQ Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

Programme Overview:

Participants will develop their leadership knowledge and expertise to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils in their schools. 


On this programme, you will learn how to:

  • Set clear goals and communicate shared values that improve the culture in your classrooms and school.
  • Establish a safe and positive environment for pupils.
  • Support colleagues to meet individual needs and make sure all pupils have access to a rich curriculum.
  • Lead school-wide professional development for staff.
  • Make and act on evidence-informed decisions.
  • Work well with parents, carers, other schools and the wider community.
  • Lead by example, be accountable for decisions and make sure colleagues know their responsibilities.

See the NPQSL framework for more details. 

How you will learn:

The content is delivered through blended learning comprising in-person, real-time, interactive online sessions and self-guided modules you complete in your own time.  Over the 18-month course duration, you will attend / complete:

  • 2 x 6hr conferences - one launch conference and a second midway through the programme (in-person).
  • 9 x courses - each course is 6 weeks in length and comprises 6 modules.  You will complete 1 module (50mins) per week.  
  • 6 x 2hr facilitated twilight clinics (online).
  • 5 x 1hr 15mins communities - peer-led group sessions (online or in-person).
  • 1 x 2hr assessment clinic (in-person).
  • Final assessment - written response to a case study to be completed within an 8-day window.

NPQSL Programme Overview Final 13.10.23.png


To apply, you must be, or aspire to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities. 

Example roles: Assistant Headteacher | Associate Assistant Headteacher | Deputy Headteacher/Vice Principal | Head of Faculty/Department/Subject | Head of Year | Head of Early Years | Second in Maths | SENCO | Head of ITT | Head of Primary Key Stage/Head of Early Years


You will be able to build your confidence and excel as a leader, and be able to access the latest research. 

Your school will benefit from additional leadership support, create a leadership pipeline and boost staff attainment. 


NPQ scholarship funding has changed. Visit the DfE website for more details and to check eligibility status.

If you do not work in an eligible school, the cost of this NPQ is £1139 plus VAT. 


Our next cohort commences in Autumn 2024.   Limited funded places are available.  Follow the steps below to register for your chosen NPQ.  

1. Register with Ambition Institute, our lead provider, via this link Register your interest in our NPQs | Ambition Institute

2. Register with the DfE Register for a national professional qualification (  You will need your TRN.  Please select Ambition Institute as the lead provider.  

3. Your application is assessed (applications will be considered in the order they are received) and if successful you will receive an offer. 

Useful Links:

Click on the image opposite to download a copy of our programme guide.


Contact us for more information or guidance about this NPQ programme.