Welcome to our termly newsletter. We hope school leaders find the information useful. Below is the latest information about Initial Teacher Training, Early Career Framework, Appropriate Body, National Professional Qualifications as well as research and wider professional development opportunities. Please feel free to share with your wider staff team.
Lucy Sykes, Director Teaching School Hub
ITT recruitment for September 2023 is going very well. We are still open for applications for places to train for Primary and Secondary teaching. For more information please see here
We would like to build on our strong existing relationships with our ECF schools, and therefore we are extending our offer for ITT placements out to a wider network of schools. If your school would like to host placements for our ITT cohort 2023 please get in touch with katy.isles@sharemat.co.uk to become an ITT partner school or for further information. Full mentor training is provided.
It has been another very busy term for ECTs and their mentors. Thank you to everyone who has attended a conference or clinic. As part of the ECF engagement requirements, all mentors should be observed delivering an instructional coaching session (coaching on coaching) before the end of the summer term. ECF Induction coordinators can use this link to record their findings: https://forms.office.com/e/3VNKTDSYrY
Thank you to Induction Coordinators for expressing an interest in an Induction Coordinator Conference. We have decided to host two dates for an Induction Coordinator conference to allow you to pick the most suitable date. These will take place on the afternoon of Monday 3rd July and Thursday 6th July. Please pencil one of these dates in your diary; further details will be shared nearer the time.
We sent out a mid-year survey to induction coordinators and ECTs. Your feedback is invaluable to help us deliver the best service we can. Some of your comments have also been shared with Ambition Institute with a view to improving their training materials. Thank you.
The next Induction Coordinator’s Breakfast Briefing will be held on Thursday 20th April at 7.45 a.m. The Zoom link is:
Thank you for completing this term’s progress reviews and assessment forms. Those reviewed so far have been of an excellent standard, with appropriately detailed comments from tutors and ECTs.
Please remember to complete any overdue Spring Term Progress Reviews and Assessments via ECT Manager (final deadline Friday 31st March).
If you would like further training and support on how to write an impactful ECT assessment form, please attend one of our training sessions next half term. Click here to book your place:
Our first cohorts of the newly reformed NPQs have received their results and as a Hub we are proud to announce that we had a 100% pass rate – well done to all our participants!
Our next cohort of NPQs start in Autumn Term 2023. If you would like more information about our NPQ offer or if you would like to express interest in one of our NPQ programmes please complete the form here -
If you would like more information about how we can support smaller schools to fund staff cover costs whilst attending NPQ events please email cktsh@sharemat.co.uk
The DfE have confirmed NPQs will be funded for state schools in the academic year 2023 - 2024.
Research and Evidence updates
Peps Mccrea, Dean of Learning Design at Ambition Institute, is ‘obsessed with the mechanics of teaching’. As school leaders supporting with teaching, learning and staff professional development we would highly recommend you signing up for his weekly 5-minute evidence snacks – summarising key information and evidence in small bites! You can also share the link with your colleagues to encourage your staff to sign up too.
Ambition’s latest research has been shared this week. It summarises how effective modelling in staff professional development can have a big impact – ‘don’t tell them what to do…show them’! Read more via the summary for educators here
We are interested to know if our local schools would like a training programme to support staff with their SEND knowledge.
Developing SEND teaching skills and approaches - We are looking to develop a training programme to support teachers build their knowledge and skills to plan and deliver highly effective teaching for SEND children. We know that more mainstream schools are receiving higher numbers of SEND pupils in their schools and some staff may need to develop their knowledge about specific areas of SEND support. If you would like more information about the programme please complete the form here - https://forms.office.com/e/LGeYwRgDMy
Happy #MondayMorning @CKTSHub wishing all our fabulous #ITTs #ECTs a great final week of term - you are nearly there! #keepgoing https://t.co/SXteExMtCw
Come along & meet our team! Find out all about training to become a teacher #primary #secondary Places still available. The hub works in partnership with @Trinityteach , an associate college of The National Institute of Teaching @NatInstTeaching
#allwelcome #meetup https://t.co/fZM1h1D2gV